A Land Reborn: Book Four of the Southern Empire Saga by Michael Greenfield

A Land Reborn: Book Four of the Southern Empire Saga by Michael Greenfield

Author:Michael Greenfield [Greenfield, Michael]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-11-28T16:00:00+00:00


Vorston and Garron peered through the gloom. Dwarven eyesight was better than humans in the dark, but even they struggled to see clearly at night over a hundred or so yards with clouds obscuring the sky.

To add to the issue, the main source of light they were expecting was nowhere to be seen.

“I’m not sure whether I like this, or not?”

Vorston looked to the younger dwarf, “How so?”

Garron waved toward the top of the pass, which was actually below them as they were positioned up on the edge of the rock walls overlooking it.

“Where’s the next wave of Mythraan, and why haven’t we seen more J’dar?”

Vorston could understand the youngster’s irritation at not knowing the answers to these questions, it was bugging him as well, but he masked it better.

“I’m thinking we’ve got one of two possibilities.

Firstly, our Daemon friends have come up with a different plan to the one we think we’ve been countering.”

“That wouldn’t be good.”

Vorston chuckled, “No it wouldn’t.”

“And the second?”

“That somethings happened back with the enemy’s main force that we don’t know about.

That could almost be the worse reason.”

“Because then we have no way of predicting what their reaction will finally be.”

“Good, you are learning.” Vorston grinned, “Unfortunately, I’m inclined to go with reason two.”

“That light display during the night?

I’d love to know what that was all about.”

“So would I. Something magical no doubt, but I seem to be plumb out of magicians at the moment so I can’t ask any of them.

I’d guess a lesson, but that would imply there’s been some sort of disruption.”

“So what do you think would be the cause of any disruption?”

“Ah, that’s probably the easy one to answer.”


“That Calmagyr Ironsson does like to get himself into all sorts of trouble.

We know he managed to rescue the prisoners, or we wouldn’t be fighting here this very moment. We also know he has whatever force Farsighter had with him, plus the Makkisen and possibly troops from the prisoners themselves.

What do you think that young man could do with those resources?”

The look on Garron’s face made it clear he could imagine all too well what Cal could get up to with such a force.

“Garron, I have a task for you.”

“I’m not going to like this am I?”

“Most definitely not, but it needs to be done and you happen to be handy.

Our current plan can’t work. We needed the J’dar through the high point of the pass so we could get behind them for when they assault the city wall.

If the J’dar aren’t going to make things easy by following our plan, we need to change things.” He looked at the sky, trying to judge the time but the clouds made it more than difficult.

“Grab a couple of lads and go and find Cal. Let’s see if we can change things more to our liking.”

Garron groaned but got up nonetheless and started back to where the other dwarves in their group were waiting.


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